Wednesday, October 29, 2008

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Visit our websites at:

American Powder Coating AZ (888) 548-4765
Anacote Corp. NY (718) 361-1740
Anoplate Corporation NY (315) 471-6143
Associated Plating Company, Inc. CA. (562) 946-5525/ 714-522-8420
B & B Electroplating Co., Inc. NJ (908) 925-5044
B & M Finishers Inc. NJ (908) 241-5640
Bales Mold Service Inc. IL (630) 852-4665
BlackCote PA (717) 444-2171
Brooktronics Engineering Corp. CA (661) 294-1195 (800) 394-0922
Central Kentucky Processing, Inc. KY (859) 266-2247
Charlotte Plating, Inc. , NC (704) 552-2100
Colonial Coatings Corp. CT 06461 (203) 783-9933
Controlled Plating Technologies, Inc. MI (616) 243-6622
C.R. Hudgins Plating Co. 3 Lynchburg, VA (434) 847-6647
Creative Coatings, Inc. VA (540) 636-7911 Map Blog
Cryogenic Institute of New England MA (508) 459-7447 (800) 739-7949
D & W Plating Inc. TN (901) 362-0336
DCI Aerotech Division of Detroit Chrome Inc. MI (313) 341-9478
Desert Powder Coating AZ (602) 253-7875
Dynamic Chromium Industries, Inc. MA (978) 499-8950
Electro-Coatings TX 78232 (800) 806-6059
Electroplating Industries, Inc. MI (586) 469-2390
Fotofab Corp. IL (773) 463-6211
General Magnaplate Corporation NJ (908) 862-6200
Georgia Powder Coating, Inc. GA (770) 718-1382 Video
Gladwin Metal Processing, Inc. MI (989) 426-9038
Glendale Powder Coating AZ 85019 (602) 246-0975
GWB Enterprises OH (865) 599-5787
Hartchrom Inc. NY (518) 266-6250 or (518) 266-6251
Highland Plating Co. CA (323) 850-1020
IHC, Inc. (International Hardcoat) MI (313) 535-3210 (800) 661-4642
Innovative Coatings, L.L.C. RI (401) 431-0950
INTA Technologies CA (408) 748-9955
IPS, Industrial Polishing Services, Inc. CA (619) 661-1691
Job Shop Coatings, Inc. IN (800) 466-9714
KC Jones Plating Company MI (586) 755-4900
Keystone Corporation NY (716) 832-1232
Linetec WI (888) 717-1472
Luke Engineering and Manufacturing Co., Inc. OH (330) 335-1501
M & M Metalizing Sales CA (714) 822-6086
Medina Plating Corp. OH (330) 725-4155
Metal Improvement Company, Inc. PA (215) 638-0888
Micro Surface Corporation IL (800) 248-4221, (815) 942-4221
Mueller Corporation MA (508) 583-2800
National Chromium Co., Inc. CT (860) 928-7965
New Brunswick Plating, Inc. NJ (732) 545-6522
Northeast Coating Technologies ME (207) 985-3232
NuTec Metal Finishing AL (205) 849-7917
Palmetto Plating Co., Inc. SC (864) 859-9314
Paradigm Coatings IL (847) 961-6466
Paramount Metal Finishing Company NJ (908) 862-0772
Parts Finishing Group MI (586) 755-4053
Pioneer Metal Finishing Corporation MI 1 (888) 217-7634
Pioneer Metal Finishing Corporation MN (800) 888-7634
Pioneer Metal Finishing Corporation OR (503) 692-4202
Pioneer Metal Finishing Corporation WI (920) 499-6996 / 1 800 944-7634
Pioneer Metal Finishing Corporation WI 920 235-2124
Plating Technology, Inc. OH (937) 268-6882, (614) 228-2325
Precision Plating Company, Inc. IL (800) 621-1292
Progressive Powder Coating OH (440) 974-7768 Video
Red Sky Plating NM (505) 243-6600
S & B Finishing Co., Inc. IL (773) 533-0033
Saporito Finishing Company IL (708) 222-5317
Southern Aluminum Finishing Co., Inc. GA (404) 355-1560
Spec Plating Corporation KS (913) 599-5788
Standard Plating, Inc. MA (413) 737-4976
Team Metal Finishing, Inc. GA (800) 380-3371
Techmetals, Inc. OH (937) 253-5311
TechPlate, Inc. CA (800) 375-2846
TRB Electro Corp. NJ (973) 278-9014
Tri-State Plating, Inc. KY (502) 587-7397
Tube Fabrication & Color WI (920) 685-3020 Map
Unitech Industries, Inc. IL (847) 357-8800
U.S. Chrome Corporation of New York NY (888) 674-8256 or (585) 343-7077
U.S. Chrome Corporation of Wisconsin WI (920) 922-5066
Vanwin Coatings of Virginia, LLC VA (757) 487-5080
Vergason Technology, Inc. NY (607) 589-4429
Wolverine Plating Corp. MI (586) 771-5000

AHC Oppervlakte technieken B.V. Netherlands
Bodycote Surface Engineering GmbH & Co. KG +49 (0) 83 41-66 01 0 Germany
Bodycote Ytbehandling AB , Sweden
Compañia Estañadora Nacional, S.A. (52)55-5397-8422 or (52) 55-5397-8186 Mexico
Hartchrom AG Steinach Switzerland
Hartchrom STI Asia, +41 71 447 97 97 Shanghai, China
Poeton Industries Limited Tel: +44 (0)1452 300500 UK
Ulvac Inc. 253-8555, Japan